Trenbolon Acetate 100 (Dragon Pharma)
What is tren?
Trenbolone acetate is a popular ester pro-drug of trenbolone, a synthetic anabolic steroid that’s estimated to be three to five times more potent than testosterone at the androgen receptor [1]. Since the body does not metabolize trenbolone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) like other anabolic steroids (e.g. testosterone) it is an appealing performance-enhancing drug (PED) in bodybuilding subculture.
However, using trenbolone acetate to build lean muscle mass and increase strength still carries a high risk of side effects. Adverse reactions are all but assured on a trenbolone cycle due to the relatively large doses prescribed by “steroid gurus” and “bodybuilding coaches” on Internet forums.
But the positive effects of anabolic steroid use are irrefutable, and trenbolone (acetate and enanthate) remains one of the most powerful performance-enhancing drugs for muscle growth. What’s interesting about trenbolone is that it’s classified as a selective-androgen receptor modulator (SARM), albeit steroidal, due to its tissue-specific actions and lack of 5-alpha reductase (5-AR) activity [2].
This guide will quickly bring you up to speed on tren use, how it increases lean muscle tissue, and the side effects you should be aware of before taking anabolic agents.
What Is an Anabolic Steroid?
Let’s start by defining anabolic steroids. Steroids are a general class of molecules that all share a characteristic four-ring nucleus. The primitive steroid ring contains three cyclohexyl molecules and one cyclopentyl molecule conjoined. Cholesterol is the most basic steroid in nature and is indeed the biological precursor of endogenous steroid synthesis in higher animals.
Functionally, steroids are classified as endocrine hormones that fall into five categories:
- Androgens
- Estrogens
- Progestins
- Mineralocorticoids
- Glucocorticoids
Catabolic reactions, such as breaking down body fat, are the inverse of anabolic reactions; they metabolize cell components and complex substrates to form simpler derivatives and release energy. Therefore, a calorie deficit is necessary to lose weight.
Cortisol is a pertinent example of a catabolic steroid hormone that has permissive effects on fat burning [3]. On the other hand, testosterone is the grandfather of anabolic steroids; it stimulates protein synthesis and muscle building [4].
An important distinction is that all androgens have androgenic properties, meaning they promote the development of male secondary sexual characteristics. The discovery of synthetic androgens, like trenbolone, has shown that slight modifications to the steroid nucleus of testosterone and its derivatives can impart a greater anabolic or androgenic effect in specific body tissues and organs.
Trenbolone Side Effects
Below are 9 potential side effects associated with Trenbolone use
-Androgenic effects: Trenbolone is highly androgenic, meaning it can cause masculinizing effects in both men and women. These effects may include a deepening of the voice, increased growth of facial and body hair, and an enlargement of the clitoris in women.
-Cardiovascular effects: Trenbolone may have a negative impact on cardiovascular health. This can increase blood pressure, cholesterol levels and the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. It can also cause an increase in heart rate and potentially contribute to blood clots.
-Suppression of Natural Testosterone Production: Using Trenbolone can suppress the body’s natural production of testosterone. This can lead to hormonal imbalances, testicular atrophy (shrinkage of the testicles), and possible fertility problems.
-Insomnia and sleep problems: Trenbolone can cause sleep problems, including insomnia. Users may have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep throughout the night.
-Night sweats and increased body temperature: Trenbolone can cause excessive sweating, especially during sleep. This can lead to night sweats and an increase in body temperature.
-Aggression and Mood Changes: Some users have reported experiencing increased aggression, irritability, and mood swings while using trenbolone.
-Kidney and liver stress: Trenbolone can put stress on the kidneys and liver, potentially leading to long-term damage. It is essential to monitor liver and kidney function when using trenbolone.
-Gynecomastia: trenbolone does not aromatize into estrogen. However, it can still cause gynecomastia (enlarged breast tissue) due to its progestin-like effects.
Acne and oily skin: Using Trenbolone can increase sebum production, leading to acne and oily skin.
Trenbolone (Acetate) vs. Testosterone
Trenbolone acetate and other tren esters are clinically intriguing because of their lesser androgenic and greater anabolic activity than testosterone esters, like testosterone propionate and cypionate . Testosterone is metabolized to DHT and estradiol by 5-AR and aromatase enzymes, respectively. Therefore, using testosterone can lead to hair loss/premature balding, gynecomastia (male breasts), prostate growth, oily skin/acne, and other androgenic side effects.
Using Tren to Build Muscle Mass: Do the Benefits Outweigh the Consequences?
There’s no disputing that trenbolone is a highly effective steroid to increase protein synthesis, nitrogen retention, and muscle mass, especially in conjunction with a proper bulking diet and resistance training [12].
It’s not uncommon for gym-goers to pack on 15-20 pounds of lean muscle on a tren cycle, and muscle strength usually increases exponentially in the process. Depending on the post-cycle therapy protocol, users may retain a good portion of their muscle size and strength gains after a trenbolone cycle. But it’s easy to overlook the potential side effects of steroid use when all you read about are people’s positive results.
Many users who experiment with trenbolone acetate will experience one or many of the side effects described above. In some cases, these effects persist indefinitely, even after tren use has stopped. It’s imperative to consider the long-term risks of using any performance-enhancing drugs, anabolic steroids or otherwise.
Is Trenbolone legal?
No, Trenbolone is a synthetic steroid that is not approved by the FDA for any medical use. It is primarily used for bodybuilding and sports performance, but its use is not legal in many countries and is prohibited by sports organizations. In some countries, it is classified as a controlled substance due to its potential for misuse and abuse.
Does Trenbolone increase libido?
Yes, there is some evidence that trenbolone, a steroid-like medication used for bodybuilding and athletic performance, may increase libido in some people.
How long does it take for trenbolone to work?
Trenbolone takes 1 to 2 weeks for noticeable changes in muscle mass and strength to occur. The effects of trenbolone may vary depending on factors such as dosage, individual metabolism, and frequency of use.
Why take Trenbolone?
Trenbolone is an anabolic androgenic steroid that increases the production of testosterone, which makes it, as with other steroids, a product widely used by bodybuilders to achieve their dream physique. Here are the top 3 reasons why bodybuilders take Trenbolone.
Gaining muscle mass: this is the main reason that pushes some users to take Trenbolone. A course of this doping product allows you to quickly and effectively gain muscle mass while burning unnecessary fat. This allows a bodybuilder to have lean and sculpted muscles.
Amplified strength: the other effect that results from gaining muscle mass is that the strength is greatly amplified, which allows you to continue doing intensive sessions, allowing you to gain even more muscle mass and thus have even more strength, and so on.
Improved Endurance: Having more strength allows you to use your muscles for a longer period of time. In addition, Trenbolone improves the oxygenation of muscles during exercise, allowing them to be active for longer.
It is important to note that although these effects may seem attractive at first glance, the physical and mental cost of taking a steroid is such that it is simply not beneficial to take them. Especially since it is a completely illegal product and prohibited by law. There is, however, a legal alternative to Trenbolone which would imitate its effects according to its manufacturer.
How Much ML For Trenbolone?
When to take Trenbolone?
Trenbolone treatments, lasting 4 to 8 weeks maximum, are done via 2 to 3 injections per week and a dose of between 100 and 200 mg per injection.
How to take trenbolone?
How to take Trenbolone? The lifespan of Trenbolone in the body is 5 to 7 days, so it is not necessary to take it directly before a sports session. In most cases, the user will take 2 to 3 doses per week for 6 to 8 weeks for the steroid to take effect.
where to get tren?
You can get tren at
how much does tren cost?
tren cost $96 on
how many ml of tren ace a week?
Tren E can be pinned every 3–4 days. Tren E typically comes in 250mg/ml, and most people take 1ml per pin, or ~500mg per week
how to inject tren
Form a V with your fingers by separating your first finger from the other 3 fingers. Place the heel of your hand on the bone (femur) that ends before the knee bends and aim the injection right above the V in the center of the thigh.
Is Tren Legal?
No, Trenbolone is a synthetic steroid that is not approved by the FDA for any medical use. It is primarily used for bodybuilding and sports performance, but its use is not legal in many countries and is prohibited by sports organizations. In some countries, it is classified as a controlled substance due to its potential for misuse and abuse.
what to stack with tren.
Trenbolone enanthate can be stacked with other compounds for synergistic effects. Commonly used stacks include testosterone (to maintain normal physiological levels), an oral steroid like Dianabol or Anadrol for kickstarting the cycle, and possibly a cutting agent like Winstrol or Anavar for specific goals.
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